Letter from Andrea

As I have grown older, I have begun to notice the important things in life. The important things are different for everyone, but for me, they are family, friends, the celebrations of life, and the food that brings us all together.

I come from an Italian heritage, and both sets of my grandparents came from Sicily. In the Italian culture, gatherings with family and friends are very important -- and are always a celebration. While growing up, we were not excused from celebrations; instead we were expected to be there -- or else.

At each celebration, there was always a feast of Italian dishes traditionally made by the women of the family. Cooking and baking was taught at a young age and the special family recipes were passed down from generation to generation. My fondest childhood memories were when all the women gathered in the kitchen. The wiser women would teach the younger ones their cooking secretes while everyone shared stories and enjoyed their time together. The smells in the kitchen were always heavenly and the food always delizioso.

Cakes are my specialty. I was always the one to bring cakes to family celebrations especially after taking culinary classes. As I have grown older, I have continued to realize the important of sharing my creations. Food is a central part of many celebrations. The aroma and the rich tastes remind me of all the precious memories with friends and family that I hold near and dear to my heart, and these memories are what I hope to create for other families and friends celebrating every occasion of life with my cakes and cookies.

The wise Italian ladies taught me that baking was a labor of love and an art form. I have passed this importance onto my children, and I hope to pass it on to each of my customers. Nothing makes me happier then when I see their faces light up at the sight of the perfect treat for their celebration.

Let's celebrate life together!
Andrea Provenza Madden